We work hard, drink (coffee) hard
and frankly we're chuffed we get to do this for a living!
We love what we do, and we put that passion into everything we're involved with. We pride ourselves on delivering highly creative work at really competitive prices, and we're not about numbers through the door; we look to build relationships with our clients by helping their businesses to grow.
Print expert, Mac geek, and family man. Experience across the entire spectrum of print design, from branding and stationery to brochures, magazines, packaging and stand design. Brings a huge amount of experience to Shake, having worked for various award winning blue chip design agencies over the years. Passionate about design & Liverpool Football Club, and loves spending time with his kids.
Skill sets across a variety of media including print, web, and animation... chief illustrator, and coffee drinker. Main web and mixed media designer and front end web developer. Passionate about creating the finest work possible and loves the client facing side of the job, which drives everything Shake do. Fanatical about art, graphic design, & music; thinks he has rhythm.
Computer geek since the tender age of 7, loves everything to do with computers from video editing, 3D design and game creation. He is dedicated to producing top-notch development work using PHP, jQuery/JavaScript, MySQL, HTML and CSS and is easily recognisable by his fedora hat; a staple of his wardrobe. If not in front of a computer screen, he’s travelling to exotic destinations or watching films.
Kelly handles all of our financial areas, be it invoicing, dealing with supplier records or handling HMRC, bless them. She enjoys spending time with her family, her three children keeping her particularly busy.